Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Lomba, lomba, lomba.. fighting !!

            Hi bloggers ! akhirnya bulan ini bisa posting juga :D seperti tahun tahun sebelmunya, bulan ini termasuk bulan yang dipadetin dengan berbagai lomba. Mulai dari lomba bahasa, sampe lomba matematika. Dari tingkat daerah sampe tingkat nasional.
            Hihihihi Alhamdulillah yah sesuatu banget, gw masih ditawarkan sebagai peserta diantara lomba-loma itu^^ hmm… lomba yang pertama yang sudah pasti akan gw jalanin yaitu lomba MSI Nasinal yang bertempat di SMA Taruna Nusantara yang rencananya akan diadain tanggal 13 november mendatang. Rasanya campur aduk mendekati lomba yang satu ini. Disatu sisi, seneng dan bangga sih bisa ditunjuk unuk negwakilin sekolah ke tingkat nasional, tapi disisi lain ada rasa capek, bosen, daaaan minder hehehe tapi semuanya harus gw jalanin dengan ikhlas ! yup ! trying all my best and may be I can be the best J
            Well, yang kedua, lomba baca puisi. Yang satu ini sih balom pasti jadi atau engga. Masih dalam tahap seleksi soalnya. Tapi latihan ekstra keras & keyakinan dituntut banget disini. Semoga gw bisa kepilih ya buat ngewakilin sekolah & mengharumkan nama SMP 4 hihihihi
            Nah, yang ketiga, lomba cerpen. Yang satu ini juga belum pasti jadi apa engga. Soalnya belum registrasi v^^ kayanya seru deh ikut lomba cerpen untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup *jiah ! hahaha ga ada salahnya kan untuk mencoba hal-hal baru ? menang kalah sih belakang yang penting semangat !
            Oke, sekian dulu ya bloggers celotehan aneh ini hiakaakak~~ oke, keep on posting guys ! ^^  

Short Story-My Special Old friend

                Jasson is sitting sadly in the park. He feels both disappointed and confused. Suddenly, Jessie, Jaason’s old friend looks at Jasson who looks bad. Ofcourse Jessie still remembering Jasson’s face because Jessie still keeps their special bond deep in her heart. All the memories are still linger in her mind. The way v glances, the way Jasson drinks his coffe, and all the things that they shared & all the promise that they made.
            “hey ! what’s up ?” Jessie greets.
            “oh hey ! Jessie ?how could we meet here ? oh ! what a lucky day !” says Jasson excitedly.
            After they have some talk about their past memories when they were in the Junior High School, Jessie asks Jasson what happen actually.
            “is there something bothering you ? you look unusual”
            “well.. I’m not sure about my problem.” Says Jasson
            “oh c’mon ! I’m all hear.  We still keep our special ties, right ?”
Jasson takes a deep breath, then exhales it slowly.
“well, I’ve registered on a photograph contest. At first, I thing I can win that competition, but now.. I thing that’s just such an impossible thing that I won’t win that contest. I have tried all my best to take a picture with natyre as the main theme. I’ve tried to take a picture of a lion in the zoo, but you know, it doesn’t look real as the lion in the forest and I’ve tried to take some pictures about people who went to the park this morning, but it’s useless ! I can’t get theis special expression.” Explained Jasson .
“don’t worry, I’ll help you. I know you are honored to be a winner. You’re good at photography, aren’t you ? “ Jessie tries to encourage Jasson.
At last, Jasson and Jessie go to Cople Beach to get the real scene.
            “ okay Jessie, can you stand over there ? I think that’s a good corner !” asked Jasson.
Well, Jessie does what Jasson asks for. But Jessie stands so closely with the sean, that she loses her balance. Jessie falls to the sea. Poor Jessie, she can’t swim !
Without waiting too long, Jasson which has such a great talent in swimming that he directly help Jessie. Luckily, Jessie is safe.
            At last, Jessie feels calm that Jasson have safed her. “thanks a lot Jasson.” She says.
            “oh no Jessie, I should ask sorry to you and… a thousand thanks for a good impression !” says Jasson while offering a glass of hot chocolate to Jessie. Jessie smiles at Jasson and she promises that this moment will always linger in her mind.